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VT is one of the critical vegetative stages of corn growth, and It's identified by the full emergence of Tassels. The plant at VT stage is at its full height.
VT is the transition stage from "vegetative stages" to "reproductive stages".
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After the emergence of corn tassels, silks and during the polination process, the plant is prone to wind and hail damage.
Damage may range from leaf loss and stem bruising on the corn stalk to root lodging and stalk breakage.
To learn more, click here and here.
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And finally, It's time to harvest corn on this farm :)
Corn harvesting equipment includes combines that come in different varieties depending on farm and harvest conditions.
To see the combine corn heads in action, click here.
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As mentioned before, the corn growing stage during the vegetative state is identified by counting the number of leaves that are entirely emerged. Full emergence is indicated by the visible collar.
As the corn grows, the bottom leaves will die, and new leaves will emerge. However, those also will be counted toward stage identification.
Another way to confirm the stage is to measure the height of the plant. The height is measured from the ground to the tip of standing leave at the top. While measurement and stages could vary depending on the atmospheric condition where corn grows, the measured height could also indicate the vegetative stage.
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Continuous inspection for weeds and insects is necessary at this stage of plant growth to ensure timely actions and manage the issues.
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Corn growth happens mainly over roots, stalks, and leaves in the early stages of germination.
Over this growth stage, also referred to as the vegetative stage, the plant grows more leaves to collect sun and air.
Different vegetative states are marked by the number of leaves grown on the plant, e.g., V1, V2, etc.
Click here to watch an animation.
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Corn is the primary U.S. feed grain, accounting for over 95 percent of total feed grain production and use.
Majority of the corn farms are in the heartland region.
Click here for more info
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Corn is used for various purposes, including human and livestock food sources, but corn ethanol is among its exciting uses. Ethanol is primarily made from corn starch.
To learn more about corn ethanol, click here.
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Corn use determines the proper harvesting date; e.g., Sweet corn harvest happens when the kernels are in the milk stage (dark brown to black silks).
Source: https://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/news/timeless/grainfill.html
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Cornrow spacing is an active field of research to increase yeild. Usual spacing includes 15", 20", and 30"
The spacing is controlled by the planter that is attached to the tractor.
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Did you know It took around 40 hours of work to plant, cultivate and harvest one acre of corn back in the 1900s?
The amount of time It takes to plant, cultivate and harvest one acre of corn in the 2000s is about one hour!
Much of this success is because of farming technology and equipment advancements to speed up the process and ensure quality and safety.
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Early mornings, Long days, Late nights, Rain, snow, sleet, or shine, Corn farmers work daily to plant, grow, and harvest a crop vital to our community, state, and country.
Remember to keep farmers in mind and thank them during the coming Thanksgiving day!
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Generally, corn grows best in deep, well-drained, medium to coarse textured soils, with a pH of 6.0-6.8.
Ideally, the soil must be free of weeds, so before planting starts, any green weeds must be sprayed from the field.
Remember, best practices vary by the farm's geographical location, weather conditions, nutrient availability, and susceptibility to pests and diseases.
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Insect pest control is not only limited to above-ground. Belowground insects pest control is an active field of investigation and application in corn farming. For more information, click here.
Crop rotation in the farm is an approach to improve belowground insects pest control. Crop rotation refers to the practice of planting different crops year by year.
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It's called combine because It takes care of harvesting, threshing, and cleaning kernels ...
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Modern agriculture is significantly influenced by advancements in agricultural technology and equipment. Today's farming is joined with robots, sensors, imaging, and GPS technologies during all stages of the farming cycle.
Along with continuous research and development, the proper use of technology in farming amplifies crop productivity and increases workers' safety.
However, as much as the technology is incorporated into farming activities, farmers play a crucial role in ensuring the equipment is reliably and properly used.
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Regular corn planting season varies by the weather, and therefore each state in the land has its own usual planting season. For example, in Tennessee, the expected corn planting dates begin on April 5 and end on June 1, with the most active dates being April 15 - May 1.
For more information, click here
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Root system in corn plant encompasses two main subsystem,
1) seminal or seed root system
2) nodal or crown root system
While the seminal root system helps seedling development by uptaking water and nutrients from the soil, successful stand establishment and plant survival after the seedling phase depends on the nodal root system.
Brace roots (the visible roots here) are part of the rooting system that may emerge as anchors to provide further support to the plant and compensate for nutrient stress.
To learn more about the corn rooting, click here and here.
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The corn seed planting task is often accompanied or followed shortly after by the applications of liquid or granular Nitrogen, insecticide seed treatments, and preemergence herbicides.
Nitrogen (N) is a necessary macronutrient for corn, and its timely application is vital for corn's growth and yield.
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The origin of modern corn in North America dates back a few thousand years. A wild grass plant, called teosinte, is the origin of the corn, which is still farmed in Mexico.
For more information, click here (The history of the world according to corn - Chris A. Kniesly)
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There are different types of corn, but all corn seeds are made of starch, protein, oil, and fiber.
Different types of corn are grown for other uses. Field corn (dent) is the majority of corn produced and used for livestock feed, human food, fuel, and many more products.
Popcorn is the type that explodes when heated. The explosion is because of the moisture inside.
Sweet corn is the type enjoyed while the seeds are still moist (harvesting earlier than the dent corn)
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This is a multi-row planter that comes with a central commodity system (CSS), the yellow containers. Agricultural equipment manufacturers sell these planters in different configurations, e.g. one model may have 12 rows (30 inch spacing) and 100 bushels CSS and another model may have 24 (30 inch spacing) with 70/100 bushels CSS.
Note that Bushel is a unit of volume, equivalent to eight gallons.
For more info, click here.
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Upon corn seedling emergence, stand assessment is on the way.
Corn stand assessment is an evaluation process (quantitatively by counting and visual assessment) that alerts the farmer to possible issues, such as disease or insect damage.
For more info, check here.
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Upon full tassels emergence and being in the VT stage, the corn plant enters a critical pollination period when potential kernels will be converted to developing kernels.
Corn pollination is mainly carried out by wind that moves pollen grains from the tassels to silks.
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Weed management is a process in which weeds are identified in the field, and proper application is made. Identification of the type of weed is crucial in maximizing the crop yield, and improper application of herbicides can cause crop loss.
For more information on weed control in the corn field, check here.
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While in the reproductive period, corn plan transitions from Silking stage (R1) to the Physiological maturity stage (R6) when the kernel moisture content reaches an average of 30% (varying with the growing condition).
To learn more, click here.
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While the combines are the primary and most expensive equipment during the harvesting, different equipment sets are used in the process, such as grain carts, wagons, and trucks.
Upon successful kernel harvest, they're ready to ship to their next destination for processing and use.
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While the planting season doesn't start until early April, work must be done before the planting. For example, preparing equipment for planters, sprayers, and fertilizers.
Checking on the combines and other harvesting equipment can also be done before the planting season to ensure a smooth harvesting experience. Nutrients such as Potassium and Phosphorus are applied in January and February for good corn growth and yields.
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While vegetative stages are determined by the corn plant collars, reproductive stages are distinguished by kernel development (R2, R3, etc.).
As silks emerge in R1, the kernels go through phases of blister (R2), milk (R3), dough (R4), dent (R5), and finally, black layer (R6) at the time of physiological maturity. For more information on reproductive phases, click here.
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TN Corn through the Lens of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) has been extending its reach to many disciplines. One such utilization has been remote education and outreach. This project used VR technology to develop a virtual tour of the Tennessee corn. Our aims included consumer education, providing educators with resources, expanding market opportunities, and sustaining economic viability. The core elements of the tour are centered around user immersion in a Tennessee cornfield.

Corresponding developer.
Dr. Saman Sargolzaei (ssargolz@utm.edu)

Acknowledgments. The project was supported by the Tennessee Corn Promotion Board research grant A21-0734-002, College of Engineering and Natural Sciences (CENS) Undergraduate Research Award, and partially funded by the Bill and Roberta Blankenship Undergraduate Research Endowment. In addition, we would like to acknowledge the tremendous support provided by Ms. Carol Reed, Mr. Ben Moore from Tennessee Corn, and Mr. Nathan Bradford from UTM College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.
## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = TheTour