Our ultimate passion is to enhance the quality of life for children, specifically those with disorders or disabilities, by merging advanced engineering techniques with novel scientific discoveries. We bring together the expertise of real-time embedded systems enabled by artificial intelligence, network neuroscience, signal processing, information, and control theory to enhance children’s quality of life. Our collaborative projects are at the intersection of engineering, medicine and biology. We cordially invite you to contact us (Saman@utm.edu) for further information and let us know about your work.
Join Our BAR
Are you a student with a passion for research? Are you interested in making your creative contribution to a research field? Are you in for interdisciplinary learning through research, development, and team-work?
Our BAR always seeks talented and motivated students who want to get involved in research and development. Early research experience allows students to become ready for positions in academia and industry. Our research and development projects are at the cutting edge of technology and scientific discoveries., please contact Dr. Sargolzaei at Saman@utm.edu.
Sponsors of our BAR
We appreciate and make the support of our sponsors a long-lasting impact on enhancing the quality of life for children and our next generation. We’d love to hear from you (Saman@utm.edu) if you’d like to partner with us for a good cause.