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Engineering Excellence Unveiled: UT Martin’s Senior Design Innovations in Electric Drivetrains and Robotics

We recently celebrated the culmination of two exceptional senior design projects, showcasing pioneering innovations in…

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Seth And Hoki Presented Their Undergraduate Research In The 2024 Posters At The Capitol Event, Nashville, TN.

During the recent Tennessee Posters at the Capitol event, held on Feb. 14, 2024, Seth…

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Welcome, Seth! We’re Glad To Have You On-Board!

We’re thrilled to introduce Seth Byrd, a graduate student specializing in Agriculture System Sciences, as…

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Dr. Sargolzaei served as a guest speaker/ presenter for the Spring 2024 Applied Neuroscience (NEUR 363)!

On Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024, Our lab welcomed students from the Spring 2024 Applied Neuroscience…

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Our Recent Interdisciplinary Research Article On the Intersection of EEG, Virtual Reality and Intelligent Transportation Has Been Accepted!

In collaboration with researchers from the RANCS Research Group at the University of South Florida,…

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Welcome, Curt! We’re Glad To Have You On-Board!

Curt is joining BAR Lab in his junior year, majoring in Computer Engineering. Our team…

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BAR Lab @ UTM to host the 2024 Virtual BR41N.IO Hackathon!

The Brain Autonomy and Resiliency (BAR) Lab at The University of Tennessee at Martin is…

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Wrapped Up Our Fall 2023 ENGR 467 With A Diverse Group Of Project Presentations And Demonstrations!

We concluded the Fall 2023 ENGR 467 course (Embedded Systems Lab) with presentations and demonstrations of a…

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First Technology against Tornado (TaT’23) Student Competition and Expo!

On April 21, 2023, The 1st Technology against Tornado (TaT’23) Student Competition and Expo was…

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Engineering Excellence Unveiled: UT Martin’s Senior Design Innovations in Electric Drivetrains and Robotics

We recently celebrated the culmination of two exceptional senior design projects, showcasing pioneering innovations in…

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Seth And Hoki Presented Their Undergraduate Research In The 2024 Posters At The Capitol Event, Nashville, TN.

During the recent Tennessee Posters at the Capitol event, held on Feb. 14, 2024, Seth…

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Welcome, Seth! We’re Glad To Have You On-Board!

We’re thrilled to introduce Seth Byrd, a graduate student specializing in Agriculture System Sciences, as…

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Dr. Sargolzaei served as a guest speaker/ presenter for the Spring 2024 Applied Neuroscience (NEUR 363)!

On Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024, Our lab welcomed students from the Spring 2024 Applied Neuroscience…

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Our Recent Interdisciplinary Research Article On the Intersection of EEG, Virtual Reality and Intelligent Transportation Has Been Accepted!

In collaboration with researchers from the RANCS Research Group at the University of South Florida,…

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Welcome, Curt! We’re Glad To Have You On-Board!

Curt is joining BAR Lab in his junior year, majoring in Computer Engineering. Our team…

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BAR Lab @ UTM to host the 2024 Virtual BR41N.IO Hackathon!

The Brain Autonomy and Resiliency (BAR) Lab at The University of Tennessee at Martin is…

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Wrapped Up Our Fall 2023 ENGR 467 With A Diverse Group Of Project Presentations And Demonstrations!

We concluded the Fall 2023 ENGR 467 course (Embedded Systems Lab) with presentations and demonstrations of a…

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First Technology against Tornado (TaT’23) Student Competition and Expo!

On April 21, 2023, The 1st Technology against Tornado (TaT’23) Student Competition and Expo was…

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