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Welcome, Seth! We’re Glad To Have You On-Board!

We’re thrilled to introduce Seth Byrd, a graduate student specializing in Agriculture System Sciences, as…

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Our recent article published in Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems!

Our recent article, “The Maze: Scarecrow’s Revenge, Agricultural Education and Outreach Through Game Development,” is…

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The Corn Tour is launched!

We’re excited to share the development and launch of our Corn Tour ( The corn…

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Welcome, Seth! We’re Glad To Have You On-Board!

We’re thrilled to introduce Seth Byrd, a graduate student specializing in Agriculture System Sciences, as…

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Our recent article published in Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems!

Our recent article, “The Maze: Scarecrow’s Revenge, Agricultural Education and Outreach Through Game Development,” is…

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The Corn Tour is launched!

We’re excited to share the development and launch of our Corn Tour ( The corn…

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