Catey Hunt and Erin Evans will be joining this year’s Tennessee Posters at the Capitol Event in Nashville, Feb. 16, to present their research utilizing virtual reality technology to promote TN corn agriculture. Posters at the Capitol 2022 will be happening on Feb. 16, Cordell Hull Building, Nashville, TN.
“The Posters at the Capitol project, sponsored by the Tennessee Board of Regents and the University of Tennessee system, and hosted by Middle Tennessee State University, has two goals—to expose legislators to undergraduate researchers and to expose undergraduates to their legislators. The state of Tennessee is the beneficiary of this exciting effort.”
Participating Universities
Austin Peay State University (APSU), Dr. Alisa White, President
East Tennessee State University (ETSU), Dr. Brian E. Noland, President
Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), Dr. Sidney A. McPhee, President Tennessee State University (TSU), Dr. Glenda Glover, President
University of Memphis (U of M), Dr. M. David Rudd, President
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), Dr. Donde Plowman, Chancellor The University of Tennessee, Martin (UTM), Dr. Keith Carver, Chancellor